Author Guidelines

Authors who want to submit articles are done online through submissions, login if you have already submitted, or register if you have never submitted in the guardian journal. The following are general guidelines for writing and submitting articles:

  1. Submitted articles must be original and have never been published or currently submitted to another journal.
  2. The submitted article is about education according to the focus and spade of the journal wali pikir.
  3. Articles are a maximum of 12 pages, using A-4 paper size and standard size formal margins.
  4. The content of the article contains title (without subtitles), author (without academic degree), author's institution, email, abstract (Indonesian and English), keywords, introduction, method, results and discussion, conclusion, and bibliography.
  5. Reference sources from the last five years for journals, and the last 15 years for book sources. The main reference source is recommended to be from scientific journals/magazines or other research reports.
  6. Maximum plagiarism from turnitin is 20%.
  7. Download the guidelines for writing a trustee journal article on the template provided.